Welcome to the landing page for the BKTDBK Week event! Follow the links below for event information, schedule, FAQs, and social media pages.

About the Event

BakuTodoBaku Week is a dedicated week-long fan event focused on the relationship between Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shouto.For each day of the week, there will be two different themes/prompts for which participants can create fanworks depicting two of our favorite boys and their relationship, in whatever capacity that may be.This event is intended to be inclusive to any and all fans who ship BakuTodoBaku. As such, anyone is welcome to participate! In addition, this event allows any and all types of content as long as everything is properly tagged. (Also, the content should obviously feature Bakugou and Todoroki's relationship in the forefront)There is no sign-up required for this fan week, nor is there any minimum number of days you can create things for. Work at your own pace, create as little or as much as you want, or just stick around and enjoy the wonderful things this community is capable of creating!

Event Schedule

  • Interest Check: July 31st - August 6th

  • Prompt Voting: August 28th-September 3rd

  • Prompts Announcement: September 6th

  • Event Week: November 6th-November 12th

  • Feedback Survey (dates coming soon)


Q: Will this event solely be SFW?
A: Nope! NSFW works are definitely allowed! This event is meant to be inclusive of all types of content.
Q:Will we get to vote on prompts and/or suggest some?
A: Yes! We will have prompt voting coming up once the dates for the event are chosen. Any prompt ideas or suggestions can be DMed to the Twitter account, messaged to the tumblr account, or sent through curiouscat! Follow the links button from our main landing page to find those!
Q: Is the event profic friendly?
A: Yes, absolutely! The only requirement is that everything should be properly tagged.

Social Media

Credits and Thank Yous

This page is to showcase and highlight everyone who has assisted me in putting together this event. I really could not have done it without these lovely folks helping me out along the way!


Gy has been instrumental in this event, from first mentioning the idea to providing me some excellent resources to get started, since I'm a newbie at running anything like this. In addition, they put together a comprehensive list of prompts that will be used in the prompt voting portion of the event!You can find their Twitter and AO3 below!


Snow has also been a huge help to me, especially in guiding me how to use carrd! She taught me some very important things about creating this landing page. In addition to that, she also went out of her way to provide some valuable information to help signal boost this event!You can find her Twitter, tumblr, and AO3 below!


Lee is the artist for some of the event graphics, like the interest check banner! They reached out to me when I was first putting the event together and their gorgeous art style immediately made me want to work with them. I can't thank them enough for the beautiful art they've made for the event!Find them on Twitter below!


Kat has been a big part of this event behind the scenes, from being my sounding board as I talk through all my ideas to making our main profile pics and header images for Twitter and tumblr. She's my real-life platonic wife and means the world to me.You can find her on Twitter, tumblr, and AO3 below!